Residential Program offered by Damanhur:

New Life 2.0
a month-long immersive program

Damanhur is a magical and spiritual reality that offers a unique social model for the world. The New Life 2.0 Program allows you to explore if this is the right place for you!

New Life 2.0 is a month-long immersive program that offers a transformative experience in Damanhur. It is designed for people who feel a calling toward community life, spirituality, and a potential life in Damanhur. This experience is the first step in entering community life as a protagonist.

The program explores sacred spaces, Damanhur’s 4 communities, community life, mythology, and magical quests. It helps you discover your deep-rooted potential and allows you to harness the power we hold as a collective with a shared dream.

Come and explore whether this is the place where your talents and dreams for a better tomorrow can take root and flourish together with ours.

Program Highlights

Explore Damanhur’s Philosophy​

Learn the new mythology and magical missions that gave rise to Damanhur, exploring and experiencing the heart and soul of our community.

Discover our Vision and Mission

Explore the alignment between Damanhur’s vision and missions for humankind with your personal dreams and aspirations. Engage and witness how your distinct talents and qualities contribute meaningfully. By the program's conclusion, you will know whether Damanhur holds the potential for your soul and being to flourish in its unique environment.

Dive into Community Living and Personal Evolution​

Experience first-hand what living in a community is and witness its profound impact on personal growth. Feel the magic of the collective energy and be part of an integral organism that is much more powerful than the sum of its members! We will get into the dynamics that a community life demands, both on a human level and on a practical and organizational level.

Experience the Group and Deep Connections

Forge lasting connections with like-minded individuals as you engage in a transformative group experience. Challenge the boundaries of your character and build bonds that transcend the ordinary.

Gain Tools for Your Spiritual Journey​

Acquire a new perspective on essential knowledge and tools for your spiritual journey. Unlock the depths of your Being, get in touch with your Higher Self, and gain insights to guide you on your path forward.

Dream and Beyond​

Learn the art of collective dreaming and methods of working towards manifesting those dreams. Be inspired by living examples of a lifestyle that had Damanhurians turning dreams into reality for many decades.

Next Dates

New Life ProgramDate
July1721649600 22nd July 2024 - 18th August 2024
August1724673600 26th August 2024 - 22nd September 2024
December1733745600 9th December 2024 - 5th January 2025

Is this for me?

  • I am 18 years of age or older
  • I am ready to live in shared spaces and a communal environment
  • I am not afraid to expand personal boundaries and my comfort zone
  • I am lookng to find or enhance the level of personal fulfillment and find clear mission in life
  • I am interested in esoteric/spiritual alternative views of the world
  • I am carrying in my heart a desire to co-create and materialize a new world together with like-minded people

The Path to Damanhurian Citizenship

Our Residential Programs are only the first step towards your journey of becoming a thriving Citizen of Damanhur. If you choose to stay, we offer a mentorship program that guides and supports you along the way.

Shared Room

  • Shared Accommodation
  • Food Costs
  • Intense daily program with certified facilitators
  • Guided Visits of our Sacred Territories
  • Diverse Meditations
  • An Unforgettable Experience!

Single Room

Please Inquire/month
  • Single Accommodation
  • Food Costs
  • Intense daily program with certified facilitators
  • Guided Visits of our Sacred Territories
  • Diverse Meditations
  • An Unforgettable Experience!

Number of Participants

Minimum amount: 8 people / Maximum amount: 12 people

Program Language

The program is held in ENGLISH, basic knowledge of English is required to participate.

Damanhur promotes lucid awareness

Smoking, vaping, or the intake of any psychotropic substances and drugs, including micro-dosing, and excessive alcohol consumption are not allowed.

Shared or single room

The rooms are shared or single. There is a limited number of single rooms, so please inform us directly if you wish to book a single room so that we can arrange everything before your arrival.

Ecological Meals & Everything you'll need

During your stay, you will have the opportunity to enjoy lunch at one of our on-site cafés. In the evenings, you will get to cook together with other members of the group. At Damanhur, we embrace the values of solidarity and mutual care. As part of that, you will participate in "turno," a cooking shift that rotates between members of a household. This ensures that everyone has the chance to work without worrying about cooking a meal when they come home for lunch or dinner.

1-month program with various activities

The program includes different activities such as workshops, meditations, group dynamics, and more to give you a taste of life in the community while also working for individual and group growth.

Visit to the Temples of Humankind and the Sacred Woods

The Temples of Humankind are known as the "eighth wonder of the world." You will have the opportunity to visit this exceptional underground structure for guided meditations and activities. During the program, you will also have the chance to meet the people behind its construction and hear their stories about building it in secret 50 years ago. Additionally, you will visit the Sacred Woods, located above the Temples of Humankind, where trees act as antennas to transmit its powerful energy into the cosmos.

Damanhurian Communities

The Federation of Damanhur consists of four communities: Damjl, Terre di Oropan, Etulte, and Arca Tentyris. Each community and home within has its own unique characteristics. To understand their diversity and how each contributes to the bigger mission of Damanhur, you will have the opportunity to visit these communities. This is a great chance for you to learn about the active projects in Damanhur and perhaps even choose which family you would like to join after the program if you wish to begin a path of Damanhurian Citizenship.

An unforgettable experience

If the dates align you will also have the chance to experience various Damanhurian Rituals: The Full Moon Oracle, Damanhur Get, the Triad, and even special events such as the Photo of the People, Damanhurian New Year, Concerts, Great Rituals of the Equinoxes and Solstices, Commemoration of the Dead, and more. These rich experiences will give you a taste of what it is like to live in an intentional community and perhaps for some it will be the first step in understanding if community life is for you.

Partial Scholarship Opportunity

Are you genuinely interested in our program but struggling with financial constraints?

Don’t worry, you can apply for a partial scholarship by sending us a letter of motivation. In your letter, please make sure to include a brief bio describing your current personal journey, your aspirations and goals for the future, the skill sets you are willing to contribute, and any other important information.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Do you want to live in Community?

Celastrina, Citizen of Damanhur and Facilitator of the Community Life Campus shares in her blog what it means today to live in a community.

Discover what people are saying

Hear what previous participants have said about their experience meeting Damanhur and living in the community!

Ready to begin your New Life?

If you are interested in participating in one of our New Life 2.0 Programs, please send us an email containing:

  • Your name and country of origin
  • Which New Life 2.0 are you interested in
  • If you prefer a Shared or Single Room

You will receive a reply from us with the necessary information before your arrival. If you like we can also arrange a video call to talk about the program further. We hope to see you soon!

For any other questions, feel free to write to us.

Via Pramarzo, 3 - Baldissero Canavese (TO) - Italy

The New Life 2.0 Program is organized by the Association of Terre di Oropan.
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