Residential Program offered by Damanhur:

Community Life Campus
10 days of discovering Damanhur

10 days of community life and activities, discovering the most famous spiritual community in the world and connecting with its members. A journey into its communities, historical places and Temples of Humankind, accompanied by the stories of those who contributed to making this unique experience grow and flourish.

A program where you can contribute to the many ongoing projects and develop new ones, in contact with the energies of the territory and the forces that inhabit it. A taste of the life in Damanhur, where you will experience the power of the group and a sense of community in your interactions with the life in Damanhur and the Damanhurians. 

Get ready to live a deep experience, to create meaningful connections with likeminded people, meet lifelong friends, express yourself creatively, play and marvel at the beauty of living in a community that is trying to create a new way of living on this planet!

Program Highlights

Discover Damanhur in Depth

This program allows you to explore Damanhur in a way that "tourists" can't. Except from visiting our spiritual places like the Temples of Humankind and the Sacred Woods, you will also visit the 4 communities of Damanhur, meet the damanhurian citizens, discover Damanhur's mission and philosophy and learn about the social and political structure that has allowed the community to continue to thrive for over 50 years.

Art Together

In Damanhur we believe that everyone is an artist and that creativity is a divine characteristic that belongs to humans. We're all self taught artists who have created the Temples of Humankind and many other artistic endeavours. In the program you'll have art workshops that allows you to tap into your inner artist. A time to have fun, play, express your talents and co-create unique works using the colors and shapes of Nature and giving space to the imagination.

Community Life Activities & Group Connection

You will have workshops to learn how to build community and how we work with conflict resolution in Damanhur. We will have cacao ceremonies to create deep moments of sharing and connection and you'll experience how contributing with your hands to the care of the territory is a fundamental aspect of a healthy life in community.

A Meaningful Experience

The Community Life Campus is for anyone who wants to live a deep and meaningful experience and create impactful memories and lifelong friendships with likeminded individuals. The program is hand-tailored for anyone interested in trying out if life in Damanhur is for you, or anyone who wants to be inspired in life and have a firsthand experience of a possible future for humanity on this planet.

Next Dates

Click the Program title for more information
Community Life CampusDate
Spring Equinox1741824000 13th March 2025 - 23rd March 2025
In the Blossoming Spring1747699200 20th May 2025 - 30th May 2025
Magical Summer Nights1751500800 3rd July 2025 - 13th July 2025
Autumn magic1761523200 27th October 2025 - 5th November 2025

Discounts and Variations

Some of our programs offer discounts and there is a separate price for the Youth Edition. Please refer to the prices listed under the program description.

Program Language

The program is held in ENGLISH, basic knowledge of English is required to participate.

Damanhur promotes lucid awareness

Smoking, vaping, or the intake of any psychotropic substances and drugs, including micro-dosing, and excessive alcohol consumption are not allowed.

Program Descriptions

The Path to Damanhurian Citizenship

Our Residential Programs are only the first step towards your journey of becoming a thriving Citizen of Damanhur. If you choose to stay, we offer a mentorship program that guides and supports you along the way. This program will help you decide whether Damanhur is the right place for you.

Shared Room

1.370/10 days
  • Shared Room
  • Organic food - Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
  • 10-Day Program with various activities
  • Visit to the Temples of Humankind and Sacred Woods
  • An unforgettable experience

Single Room

Please Inquire/10 days
  • Single Room
  • Organic food - Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
  • 10-Day Program with various activities
  • Visit to the Temples of Humankind and Sacred Woods
  • An unforgettable experience

Shared or single room

The rooms are shared or single. There is a limited number of single rooms, so please inform us directly if you wish to book a single room so that we can arrange everything before your arrival.

Ecological Meals - Breakfast, lunch and dinner

Meals are cooked and prepared in the homes of our community and the ingredients come from our ecological shop or directly from our farms.

10-day program with various activities

The program includes different activities such as workshops, meditations, group dynamics and more to give you a taste of life in the community while also working for individual and group growth.

Visit to the Temples of Humankind and the Sacred Woods

The Temples of Humankind have been defined as "the eighth wonder of the world". In this program you will have the chance to visit this wonderful place, led by one of the Damanhurians who were part of its creation. You will also visit the Sacred Wood, located above the Temples of Humankind, where trees act as antennas to transmit its powerful energy into the cosmos.

An unforgettable experience

This experience will give you a taste of what it is like to live in an intentional community and perhaps for some it will be the first step in understanding if community life is for you.

Do you want to live in Community?

Celastrina, Citizen of Damanhur and Facilitator of the Community Life Campus shares in her blog what it means today to live in a community.

Discover what people are saying

Hear what previous participants have said about their experience meeting Damanhur and living in the community!


If you are interested in participating in one of our Community Life Campus, please send us an email containing:

  • Your name and country of origin
  • Which Community Life Campus are you interested in
  • If you prefer a Shared or Single Room

You will receive a reply from us with the necessary information before your arrival. We hope to see you soon!

For any other questions, feel free to write to us.

Via Pramarzo, 3 - Baldissero Canavese (TO) - Italy

The Community Life Campus Program is organized by the Associations of Damjl and Arca Tentyris.
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