Social Organization | The Constitution is the foundational charter of Damanhur
From the beginning, Damanhur citizens have chosen to adopt a clearly defined social organization, and to document the philosophical principles that inspire community life in written form as a Constitution. This choice is motivated by the belief that the success of many different people sharing daily life together (though animated by the same ideals) relies on a foundation of clear, easily recognizable values and customs.
The Constitution of Damanhur was made to evolve over time, according to a precise philosophical vision: to create a community that can sustain itself with ever-increasing individual awareness, with less and less need for laws and regulations.
The first draft of the Constitution was written in 1981, and it contained more than 130 articles. After many iterations, the current version of only 15 articles describes the fundamental life principles upon which the Federation of Communities is founded.
Among these principles, the most important ones are: positive thinking about others, continuous inner transformation, solidarity and respect for all citizens, always giving someone another chance, and caretaking the environment and all forms of life.
The Constitution bans smoking, drug use and any form of excess behavior that can harm ourselves and others. Damanhurians abide by these guidelines as a lifestyle choice, and all guests who visit Damanhur are asked to respect these rules while present here.
Damanhur Constitution | 11th edition
Shared Tradition, Culture, History and Ethics
Damanhur is a School of Thought based on the teachings of Falco Tarassaco, Oberto Airaudi (1950-2013). The functions he once had of spiritual guide and guarantor of the continuity of Damanhur’s social and spiritual project are now entrusted to the Saggi (Sages), chosen among the Initiates belonging to Medit-Action.
Medit-Action is the spiritual path of Initiation and knowledge at the basis of the philosophy of Damanhur.
The mission of Damanhur is the development of the Vajne Project, which is the awakening of the awareness of the divine nature in every Human Being. The means to this are 1. mastery of spiritual freedom; 2. conscious interaction with the Forces that support the evolution of Humanity in our spiritual ecosystem; 3. choosing and nurturing a magical vision of life; 4. creating a model of life-based on ethical principles and solidarity.
Damanhur shares its experience with the world to be a source of inspiration for other community models — each one being unique, culturally characterized, and autonomous from the others.
Through its shared tradition, culture, history, and ethics Damanhur has given birth to a new Spiritual Popolo. The Popolo is a living reservoir of energy and talents that ideally and energetically unites individuals living in different places on our planet; all those belonging to the Popolo recognize themselves as a part of the Vajne Project.
In Damanhur, living in an intentional community is the ideal model for shared living. It is a model based on the principles of solidarity and sharing. Through community life, Damanhur pursues the formation of happy individuals whose relationships are guided by Knowledge and Consciousness.
The respect of every form of life – both physical and subtle – is fundamental so that our Planet can be a habitat in which all beings can find a space for their evolution.
This Constitution is the fundamental charter that regulates the Social Body formed by the citizens of Damanhur. Other Bodies of Damanhur are Medit-Action, the Path of Initiation of Damanhur.; the Game of Life, representing experimentation and change; and Tecnarcato, supporting the personal transformation process of the citizens that join it.
All citizens commit to respect the rules of this Charter and to apply in their life the principles herein contained.
Principles of ethics and behaviour
1. Damanhurians are the creators of Damanhur; they are the guarantors of its development and of its consistency with its ideal purposes. Citizens are brothers and sisters whose mutual relationships are based on trust, clarity, and sincerity. Fundamental values of life are Love, selfless and conscious action, thinking well of others, kindness, solidarity, and humor. Every citizen is required to be pure, mature in their choices, and capable of self-control.
2. Damanhurians base their behavior on a spiritual and magical vision of life that guides their choices and actions, both individual and collective. They acknowledge with awareness and empathy the connection to their inner self, to other living beings, and to our planet.
Every Damanhurian applies the principles of participation and transparency, sharing their life experiences with the other citizens.
3. Damanhurians are aware that their thoughts and actions – both individual and collective – affect the behavior of others and are reflected in the world through the Synchronic Lines. For these reasons, they are responsible for them, spiritually and socially.
Every Citizen embraces life with positive thinking and optimism; everyone commits to raising the quality of their interpersonal relations, and to offering others new opportunities to express the best of themselves.
4. Each citizen identifies and develops a project for personal growth to enhance their talents, pursue spiritual freedom, and support others on their path of evolution.
Damanhurians are always willing to put their talents in synergy with those of others, aware that integrating them within a group yields to a higher quality result than that expressed by individual members.
5. Work has spiritual value and is considered as a gift of oneself to others. All tasks are precious and dignified.
Damanhur promotes research, supports, and encourages experimentation and innovation in all fields of knowledge. All citizens enrich their culture and knowledge of the world; they refine their skills in the fields of study, art, work, and in any other activity they enjoy.
6. Spirituality and ecology inspire the relationship with the environment, nature, and the subtle forces that inhabit it. Damanhurians are committed to respecting and conserving resources. As much as possible, they restrain from any form of pollution and waste. Citizens apply order and cleanliness as their rule of life.
7. Damanhurian Citizens create the best spiritual and social conditions to sustain every phase of life with awareness and love, from birth to death.
Damanhurians educate their children to become self-reliant and free individuals. They support them with all the necessary instruments so that they can express and develop their unique characteristics.
8. Damanhurians are aware that the body is a temple and that health is a personal and collective asset. They take care of themselves and adopt a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, and prefer natural healing systems.
Aware that their breath is a vehicle of vital and spiritual energy – and as an element of shared self-discipline – Damanhurians do not smoke. They do not take drugs, do not abuse alcohol nor medications, and value freedom from all forms of addiction.
9. Damanhurian Citizens are self-supporting; they also support Damanhur’s projects with their own resources and work, according to their possibilities and their choice of citizenship.
Social constitution
10. Recognition of citizenship shall take place in accordance with the Federal Laws. Damanhurian Citizens share and respect the principles expressed in this Constitution.
If a person wishes to withdraw from citizenship, the Government of Damanhur and the outgoing citizen shall cooperate to ensure this happens in a harmonious way that is fair for both parties.
11. In Damanhur, community life represents the most effective path for the evolution of the individual, the collective, and humankind.
Damanhur communities are organized in a Federation; they pursue self-sufficiency through autonomy, development and integration, and exaltation of diversity. The level of participation in the Federation is based on each citizen’s choice, in agreement with the Bodies responsible for this. In the Damanhurian communities, co-living has different modalities, according to the autonomy provided by the Federation.
12. Communities are entities comprising citizens; they have specific territorial, cultural, artistic, and social characteristics, in compliance with Federal Laws provisions.
Each Community elects a Governing Body, according to the rules established within the Community itself; such Governing Body has the task of making choices and issuing the regulations for its Community.
The population of each single Community may not exceed 200/220 individuals. Each Community may establish the Bodies and issue the regulations it deems necessary for its own functioning. The Communities enjoy directive and economic autonomy vis-à-vis the Federation, in compliance with Federal Laws.
If a group of citizens wants to be recognized as a Damanhurian community, they make a request to the Federal Government and then sign a socio-economic Agreement. Such an Agreement delineates the steps of development and the conditions necessary to obtain such recognition.
13. All children of Damanhurian citizens are considered an integral part of the population. All the citizens of the Damanhurian Communities participate in the education of children, their care, and support, and they follow shared educational guidelines.
14. The Federal Government is periodically elected by the members of Medit-Action, according to the rules determined within it. The Government makes the choices and issues the laws relating to the whole Federation.
The Government involves the citizens in elaborating the strategic guidelines for the development of the Federation. The decisions of the Government are binding on any individual, group, and Body of the Federation.
15. Damanhur develops through forms of communal and individual ownership. Real estate assets of value to the Community belong to entities set up for this purpose by the Communities or the Federation. Damanhur encourages collective and individual models of sustainable and shared economic development.
16. Communities or groups inspired by principles and goals compatible with those expressed in this Charter can affiliate with the Federation of Damanhur.
The Federation can join confederations or alliances with communities or groups animated by principles and aims compatible with those expressed in this Charter. In both cases, the Federal Government shall decide on the modalities of association.
17. The function of control on the observance of the normative order is exercised by the College of Justice. Every citizen and every Body is bound to respect its decisions.
The College of Justice preserves the principles of Damanhurian ethics.
The College of Justice may suspend and annul the illegitimate acts issued by other organisms.
It monitors social progress; it ensures that the interpretation of constitutional and federal provisions is uniform and that Community norms comply with constitutional and federal provisions.
All acts of significant federal and community interest issued by any Damanhurian Body in whatsoever sector are to be deposited at the College of Justice.
Any controversy whatsoever among citizens and between citizens and Damanhur and its Bodies will be subject to the jurisdiction of the College of Justice, which will judge fairly, without procedural formalities. The judgment of the College of Justice is final.
The College of Justice is periodically elected by the members of Medit-Action according to the rules determined within it.
18. The norms of execution of this Charter may not contain provisions contrary to it. The regulation of matters relating to the whole population is carried out by means of Laws. Any revision of rules contained in this Charter is to be approved by the members of Medit-Action according to the rules determined within it.
Whenever the interpretation of existing norms is questioned, the resolution is defined by the College of Justice, after consultation with the Saggi.
Damanhur, June 11, 2019